Monday, 10 June 2013

How the other half really live !

Amused (and ever so slightly envious) to receive a mailing from Westminster Conservatives listing their Summer Programme of Events.

These include:

Hyde Park Branch Champagne Garden Party at £35
(reduced to £25 for destitute CF members)

West End Branch Drinks Reception with Rt Hon Theresa May MP

Bryanston and Dorset Square Branch Luncheon Party
(to celebrate the arrival of summer)

Knightsbridge & Belgravia Ward's Champagne and Canapé Reception
£5.00 surcharge if you don't pre-book !

Two Cities Luncheon with the Prime Minister
Tickets £500 to sit at a table with someone important (or £150 discount rate - sit in the kitchen)

St James's Ward tour of Marlborough House
(Apparently access to Marlborough House is not easy and should be regarded as a privilege - that told you!)

Tachbrook Ward Garden Party at the Dolphin Square Croquet Lawn
(Another £5 extra if you pay on the night).

I am thinking of sending them details of our annual Quiz Night and Fish & Chip Supper - tickets just £10 and no surcharge if you pay on the night! 


  1. Thanks for the plug!

    We would be more than happy to publicise your events. The more we can publicise events across associations the better.

    We already have this blog listed on the links page of ...and as a fellow Agent I'm a big fan.

    Louise Parry

  2. Thanks for the comment, Louise. I have just looked at your new website - it's super! As I mentioned on the phone there is little point in us having a joint event as most of your members are here anyway - wearing brand new Hunter wellies and trying to pronounce village names such as trottiscliffe (Trozli) and Shipbourne (Shibbun)without it looking obvious they're not local!
