Friday, 16 November 2018

Defective Defections

I take a degree of absurd pleasure when a councillor who is not re-approved or
re-selected grandly announces that he/she (almost always a he) is defecting to another party.  

Apart from sense of self-flagellation, why would this please me? 

Simple because there is no faster, more definitive or simple way to prove that the Approvals Committee or Branch Committee were absolutely right to dump them in the first place. 

I simply do not comprehend how anyone can suddenly change their core political principles due to actions of the local Conservative Association's Approvals Committee.  

If the Chatham & Ayesford Local Government / Approvals Committee decided to turn their fire on me and dump me as a candidate I would have every right be be irritated / upset / bloody furious / vengeful (*delete as appropriate) with the members of that committee. I might decide they were all a shower ungrateful shockers and resign from the Association or even give my money and energy to another Association nearby.  But the one thing I wouldn't (couldn't) do was suddenly decide after 40 years belief in free markets, small government and personal liberty that I am becoming a big state, internationalist Socialist and fan of high taxes.  

Unless, of course, the councillor was never a real Conservative in the first place, and was just using the party as a stepping stone to self aggrandisement. In which case their defection is not surprising, because clearly it's all about them and not about principles or beliefs.

Which brings me back to my original point..... the Approvals Committee were absolutely right in the first place !

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