Tuesday, 30 May 2017

Ballot Box Sampling Spreadsheet

The 2017 GE counts will be the second outing for the West Kent Ballot Sample / Analysis Spreadsheet.  

This fabulous piece of work enables count coordinators and their teams of counting agents to take up to four separate samples from up to 60 ballot boxes. As the data is entered into the grey cells on the spreadsheet, so the "constituency total" is constantly updated, giving a minute-by-minute indication of the count total during the verification process. 

Obviously the accuracy of the figures will be wholly dependent on the skill and accuracy of the counting agents, but by way of example in 2015 we had predicted Tracey Crouch, Tom Tugendhat and Greg Clark's majorities to within 0.3% in each constituency.

Another joy of this spreadsheet is "auto completion".  Simply enter the candidates' names in column A and their respective parties in column B and this data (including party colour) will populate across the whole spreadsheet, saving you hours of repetitive ""cut and paste". 

if you would like a copy of our spreadsheet for use at your count, please contact me using the contact form to the right of this blogpost. if we do not know each other personally, please use your Association's email address so I know I am sharing our knowledge with our own team!



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